Cinder, from the Kingkiller Chronicles

Episode 175 – More Monikers

Barnaby Daryngton is not so easily swayed to the machinations of Moniker. He defiantly declines Moniker’s proposal to join Karzoug’s force. After all, if this party is victorious in quenching the rising Runelord, they will be saviors of Golarion. His own fitting moniker.

Moniker lets the rest of his biscuit drops and the battle begins! He starts things out on a cocky note, stepping forward but letting his lackies lead the initial assault. Meanwhile, Fyn and Barnaby sync up their brainwaves and take a daring maneuver. He slows time and begins summoning a Trumpet Archon before grabbing Barnaby. The wizard Dimension Steps with him right next to Moniker as time resumes, and suddenly Moniker is surrounded.

The gold-glad woman, Viorian, has a glazed look over her eyes as the sword hungrily speaks, compelling her to attack. Now that he’s closer, Fyn recognizes this as Chellan, the Sword of Greed. It’s a mighty artifact that’s intelligent enough to sway others to do Karzoug’s bidding. Or really, the bidding of anybody who happens to be the current Runelord of Greed.

Krask peppers the encroaching storm giants with arrows while peeking from behind one of the many statues in the room. Fobias and Trace recognize the sudden need for them to help out Barnaby, rushing out into the fray. This action draws the attention of the storm giants, and Trace begins tanking damage from front and the flank.

While the trumpet archon absorbs countless blows from the storm giant near Moniker, Fyn sits inside a force bubble for a moment to gather his breath. Barnaby and Moniker lock in their duel, and Moniker strikes a devastating blow. Barnaby nearly falls under a Lesser Geas compulsion before turning the tide of the battle back in his favor. Blow after blow, Moniker is knocked back, his white hair becoming quickly spattered with blood.

Seeing that Barnaby is fine for the moment, and with Fobias coming up to aid, Fyn zips back to help Trace. A little bit of invisibility anyone?

Despite Moniker’s best efforts, his long-standing vendetta against Barnaby comes to a rather abrupt end. Barnaby cuts off his head, that thin smile wiped off the ignis’ face.

Krask continues to get sneak attack damage by snapping in and out of invisibility, taking out the first storm giant. And, even though an invisible Trace is flanked, the odds seem much more even heading into part two!

Is this the best that Karzoug has to offer? Is Viorian acting of her own volition? Will Karzoug last more than two rounds?