An extraterrestrial being with flowing white hair floats above a blank canvas.

Episode 132: Fyn’s of the Flesh

Delvahine is looking for some company, which would apparently go a long way in helping her deal with her grief. Vraxeris meant a great deal to her. Or so she says.

Her reward for the party is a magical corset, but obviously the party is searching for something they can use as a weapon component in the Runeforge. This simply wouldn’t do. They ask if there is something else they might bargain for.

Trace becomes the object of Delvahine’s affection. His paladin vows don’t necessarily forbid him from acting on her advances, but he certainly isn’t comfortable with it. Unfortunately, it appears the party’s only option to gain a final Runeforge component is to coerce Trace into making friends with the enemy.

It’s their only option, except of course for a myriad of other options like sneaking, theft, destruction of evil, et cetera.

Delvahine leads Trace into the back room where two Shining Children stand at attention. The succubus grapples the paladin, and instantly begins beguiling him with her lustful charms. For any of you are familiar with how succubi operate, their specialty is a kiss that drains the life force out of another.

While Trace is behind closed curtains, Fyn gets an uneasy feeling about the situation. He and Krask make an excuse about needing to freshen up, and they leave Delvahine’s chambers. Once they’re out of sight, Fyn makes Krask invisible to go check in on the situation.

Krask stealths into the room and witnesses what appears to be a dementor’s kiss. That one’s for all you Harry Potter fans. He snatches a toy off the ground and reports back to the others. Luckily, the other alu-demons lounge, consumed with their own thoughts. After a quick conversation, the party rushes in to stop the carnage.

Trace is affected by two negative levels at this juncture.

Succubi Baby

Trace is completely out of sorts, and Delvahine isn’t happy about the interruption. Krask sees the Shining Children and remembers what a single one did to the party outside the Library. He fires off multiple arrows, opening up gaping wounds that continue to bleed purple, starry blood.

Fobias goes to work on the other Child. They blast out a beam of light, blinding the half-orc as things appear to go south. On the bright side, Trace wiggles out of the grapple. Delvahine has her work cut out for her if she wants to inflict more negative levels!

The Shining Children inflict sustained damage. Wherever they touch, the blood underneath the skin begins to boil. Fyn steps back to begin summoning, hoping to add another target for their enemies. Barnaby bashes Delvahine across the jaw, completely unhinging the bone.

Even in his weakened state, Trace seeks to help others. He rushes over to Fobias, removing his blindness. The half-orc casts a weave of thorny vines around his body to protect him from loving embraces, in case the succubus decides to change targets.

Things seems evenly matched. But then, Fyn’s summoned Elder Earth Elemental comes into play. The tides turn!

The party defeats the first Child, and the combination of Barnaby and Richard is too much for Delvahine. With a ferocious growl, Richard rips the wings right from her back. The Lady of Lust is no more.

Gondor Calls for Aid

Okay, Gondor doesn’t exist in Golarion, but the avu-demons are concerned about their fearless leader. When she doesn’t reply coherently, they swoop in to check on her. Much to their dismay, the succubus is dead.

They begin attacking in a fury of blows. Fyn absorbs the majority of the attacks, but his allies quickly respond to fight back. Unfortunately, of the four avu-demons, only three enter the room. The fourth flies down the hallway, calling for the stone giant guards.

That silver lining? Not sure there actually is one.

Can the party repel the entirety of Lust’s defenses, all at once? Will Trace recover from his torment? Was there a better way to go about this whole thing?