A trio of strong stone giants hurl boulders at Sandpoint's north gates.

Episode 82 – Looper Duper

Trace holds his shield steady as the dire bears and stone giant close in on them. Fyn quickly casts an invisibility spell on Barnaby, allowing him to quickly scramble out of the way and avoid attacks of opportunity on the way out.

As Barnaby chugs a potion, Krask fires a barrage of arrows at the two dire bears. Both of them collapse from their wounds as the stone giant swings at Trace. With only a single target remaining for our heroes, the stone giant hardly stands a fighting chance. The combined might of Fobias, Trace, and Krask is too much for the invader, and he eventually succumbs to his wounds.

As this transpires, the dragon sets the northern part of the Sandpoint Cathedral ablaze. You would think that Sandpoint would have learned from their recent fire problems when they rebuilt the cathedral, but apparently replacing the wood comprising the northern wing was slated for a future project.

With the cathedral sufficiently alight, the dragon soars over to the Sandpoint Theater as the party rushes in the same direction, hoping to cut off the three stone giants who came over the southern bridge. Smoke rises from the direction of the Scarnetti Manor on the neighboring peninsula.

Casual Theatrics

On the way, the party decides to multitask. Fyn casts several helpful spells, hastening the party, casting a communal blast of stoneskin, and protecting the party from evil. At the same time, Trace radiates multiple healing spells to top the party off as they sprint towards the side street next to the theater.

As they arrive, they gain the attention of the three stone giants advancing towards the west. Fyn throws a wrench in their plans by inflicting two of them with confusion, and two of them begin attacking each other. Fobias charges into towards the other stone giant, and the rest of the party moves in, avoiding the boulders that are being hurled in their direction.

Krask freezes as the dragon lands on the Sandpoint Theater, noticing that the reptilian monstrosity is wearing an ornate necklace. He ducks out of sight, focusing his fire on the other enemies with a hope that the dragon doesn’t recognize a kobold from the Dirt Digger clan.

The dragon seems content with burning the theater, and Cyrdak Drokkus does his best to stifle the flames with his bardic inspiration, to little avail. Meanwhile, the two confused stone giants are locked in an endless loop of cyclical attacks thanks to Fyn’s handiwork. Trace uses their distraction to engage in melee, drawing their attention. Fyn’s poison darts do the same.

Now it’s on like Donkey Kong™.

Fyn’s shimmering images deflect one stone giant’s attack while Trace successfully braces against the other. Barnaby reappears from his invisibility, helping Fobias take down the resident boulder-chucker, and the rest of this battle wraps up quickly. Once these stone giants are defeated, the other invaders drop their weapons in an apparent retreat.

To the Docks!

Disinterested, the dragon launches back into the sky towards the docks, lighting several prominent merchant ships on fire from its rooftop perch. The party rushes back towards the action, buffing themselves again as they hustle to the waterfront. They use a scroll to make a silent image of Krask as an additional precaution.

Fyn launches a barrage of magic missiles at the dragon, who hardly seems phased by the attack. The projectiles do, however, prompt it to see Krask’s image standing in the road. With a mighty roar, the dragon rises up and lands on the image, devouring the apparition in its jaws with a single motion.

As it realizes that its meal was merely a figment of a trick, the dragon lets out a secondary bellow. That’s when it notices the REAL Krask huddled in the alley.

Krask better be ready, because Longtooth is does not look pleased.

Will the party be able to defeat Longtooth? Was this raid merely a distraction from Scarnetti Manor? Do kobolds taste like chicken?

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